Your home will likely be the biggest investment you make in your lifetime, which is why it is important to work with industry professionals that are a member of the Home Builders Association of Durham, Orange & Chatham Counties.
Here's why:
** Nationally, more than 75% of inspection fails are from builders/remodelers/trades professionals who do not belong to their local Home Builders Association (Source: NAHB)
** HBADOC members are informed! Members are updated regularly on new building science technology, trends, and regulatory changes, giving them an advantage in serving our savvy consumer market!
** HBADOC membership is all about peer to peer support and camaraderie, learning the next big thing and best practices! Our members hold one another to the highest ethical and industry standards!
** HBADOC members invest their time and effort in association activities that improves their community and the lives of their customers.

Build Better With Us.