Membership ROI
We live in a busy world. Juggling work schedules, personal commitments, kids activities, and extracurriculars is already enough to handle - so why is now a good time to join your local Home Builders Association?

1. Your Network Starts Here
We bring the right people to you. Who has time to go out and find contacts on their own? By joining our association, you are guaranteed to meet the people most crucial to growing your professional network.
2. Education at Your Convenience
We hold monthly, quarterly and annual educational opportunities. Pick the ones that work best for your schedule; we offer certification courses, local government updates, product overviews, and more.
3. Advocacy You Can Afford
We fight for the best for you. Our state legislative team lobbies hard on your behalf, to ensure the best possible building climate. Have a pressing local issue? Tell us - we get involved!
3-in-1 Membership Advantage
Becoming a member of the HBA of Durham, Orange and Chatham instantly makes you a member of the North Carolina HBA and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). This 3-in-1 membership gives you access to three times the benefit - see for yourself by visiting the State and National rebate links below.
What Membership Type is Right for Me?
We have 4 different member types - Builders, Associates, Builder Affiliates and Associate Affiliates. It is important to note the HBA membership belongs to the individual joining, not the company. Dues are charged on a 12-month basis and roll over each year on the date you joined the HBADOC.
Builders: Applies to all contractors, remodelers and land developers. Dues are $650.00 annually for Builder members who are joining the HBADOC for the first time and for annual renewals.
Associates: Applies to all subcontractors, material suppliers, designers, architects, Realtors, etc. Dues are $650.00 annually for Associate members who are joining the HBADOC for the first time and for annual renewals.
Affiliates: Once a Builder or Associate membership has been established, employees of the same company may sign up under them as Affiliate members. Affiliates receive all of the benefits of the full Builder/Associate membership. Dues for new and renewing Affiliates are $125.00 annually. Please note - you cannot join as an Affiliate member if your company does not currently have a Builder or Associate member signed up with us.
Member Testimonials
Eric Hedden, Owner of Durham Building Company
Nora Spencer, Founder & CEO of Hope Renovations
Kim Stewart, Marketing Director at The Appliance Center
David Fitch, President of Fitch Lumber & Hardware Company
Scott Jansen, Residential Manager at MPI Foam
Jesús Gutiérrez, Project Manager with Orange County Habitat for Humanity